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A Winter’s Day

The day dawned beneath frigid skies in what counts for normal now. My friend stops for coffee stays for lunch. I call to my daughter to buy bread – she comes for some change, and goes. We talk of scarcity and recipes not minding the clock, sirens an accustomed distant background A rap at the […]

Words of Grace

Not everyone reads the Bible in the same way. For some, it is a history book or set of instructions. Others see it as a theological puzzle to be analysed, or perhaps a source of secret knowledge. For me, the times when God’s Word has the most power is when it reads like a message […]


The moon glows low, old ivory hanging in the trees, shining down the river in a crisp and cobalt evening. Clouds loom on the horizon as our passive words circle round and round what may be. We turn each stone again, rake through old leaves – foraging for options, contriving prudent actions when all that […]

Ice storm 1973

We watched the flakes drifting into that Sunday afternoon with anticipation. It was the first snow of the winter, and coming a week before Christmas was perfect. Whenever there was snow, there was an instinctive hope of school cancelled! It was well below freezing, and the tiny flakes meant we were in for a few […]

Gifts of Light and Dark

Creativity – incubation in divergent thinking, then illuminating associations. With a smaller corpus callosum, both halves work alone and then ‘ah ha!’ – connection, inspiration. Distraction as creative tool. The neuregulin 1 mutation bestows mixed gifts: poor memory, over- sensitivity, psychosis and yet enhanced odds of greater creativity. Creativity – born, not made yet nature […]


From a Vineyard shop of long ago, this cover (soft with amber leather) holds pages worn in edge and ink.    “… last night beneath the Milky Way    we swam in the lagoon.    Water slid like silk against my skin,    phosphorescence swirled about…” Each day was huge – aglow or gloom: strident […]


Life has its seasons. Friendships ebb and flow. Close ties can be stretched to breaking by busyness, distance, time. All the masks we wear to survive our lives keep others at arm’s length – build inner walls in layers by years. Time moves on, leaves gaps in its pattern where friends should be. Wounds of […]


Lord I don’t know how to handle this. The whorls of circumstance now turn, entwine, spin tight – spiral down to the unknown deep into dismay. How do I reach You in these darkened days? Questions veer and multiply – where do I begin? I look down into the endless depth from a high stretched […]


Long shadows from the probing moon stretch across the kitchen floor. In the silent house, an abandoned meal lies on the table. The phone stays mute. She gazes at the snowfield pressed against the still, black edge of forest and silence spreads beyond the horizon – wider deeper than she can reach.   — Christine […]


As the long, lavish day expires, a streetlamp stammers against encroaching gloom. The chill wind slices through all confidence, drives the day’s news along an empty street into shadows thronged by phantoms. A concrete wall, graffitied with fear obstructs the feeble light intensifies the dark. For these uneasy hours sanity is eclipsed, optimism blinded in […]